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2023 Webinars

Navigating the Muskoka Planning and Development Process

There’s not just one person or entity that determines the outcome of any given development proposal in Muskoka – instead, landowners like you, your neighbours or development companies are guided by provincial, regional and municipal legislation working in concert with professional planners, architects and builders to execute a vision.
Understanding the process is critical if you wish to successfully develop your property in a way that will maintain community character while receiving prompt approval. 

Clevelands House
Redevelopment Plans

Monday, December 11 2023.

Mr. Mitch Goldhar and his team at Penguin Group of Companies conducted two Open Houses over the past week and presented their plans for the Clevelands House lands and answered questions.

                        Open House  

               Minett Appeals Update

                  Questions & Answers

                   Rendering of Plans

10 Boating tips to save lives

Wednesday, August 23, 2023 

Prompted by the increase in boating fatalities and accidents in recent years, MLA Director Scott Ferguson presents a live e-learning module on 10 defensive boating tips to save lives. Special guest OPP Sgt. Dave Moffatt will address Ontario boating accident stats, including victim age and gender, life jacket use, and boat size. SQL Chair Diana Piquette and the MLA’s Lawton Osler will moderate.

2022 Webinars

Join us (virtually) on May 10th at 5pm for a special MLA Webinar on Water Quality.

Learn about the 2021 MLA Water Quality Report as well as the science and  importance of Water Quality Monitoring and the actions we can take to improve water quality in Muskoka.

View Here!

Webinar Slides Chris Cragg

Webinar Slides Rebecca Willison

Join us (virtually) on Tuesday April 19th at 5pm for another MLA hosted webinar!

Get answers from Township of Muskoka Lakes Planning and By-law Enforcement staff to common questions about your rights and responsibilities in making improvements to your property.

Click here to listen!

Questions Asked & Answers

The Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association and event sponsor, Make Way Environmental Solutions hosted a webinar on septic systems in Ontario. 

Click on the button below to watch the webinar where they discuss types of systems permitted in Ontario, solutions for difficult sites, and rainwater harvesting solutions. 

Watch Now! Septic Systems in Ontario

“Sandy Bos, District of Muskoka, is a Building Inspector for onsite waste and water treatment systems.

He and his Colleagues have created an informative video on the care and maintenance of your septic system.

Please view this video to be better informed on the details and resources available to you and the impact on the surrounding environment near your dwelling.

Policies and new regulations are also included.

Many thanks to Sandy and his team for sharing this important information.”

Click Here to view the Information

2021 Webinars

The 127th MLA Annual General Meeting was hosted on Wednesday July 21st, 2021 Via Zoom. 

Please view the recorded webinar below as we reveal our strategic plan and celebrate the Association’s work and elect our new board members.

To view the webinar, click on the button below.

Watch Now! 2021 MLA AGM

On August 18th the MLA hosted "Staying Safe on the Water" presented by Safe Quiet Lakes. Over the last few years we have seen an alarming increase in boating accidents and fatalities.

Special guest speakers include Dave Moffatt from the OPP and John Gullick from the Canadian Safe Boating Council. The webinar will also include a live question and answer session and an e-module on safe boating.

To view the webinar, click on the button below.

Watch Now! Staying Safe on the Water

Learn about the science of how a healthy lake requires a healthy shoreline, the current and future challenges our shorelines face, how you can make positive change to protect, restore and enhance your shoreline through landscaping and planting and how you can create the best view from the canoe through proper trimming and care for your shoreline trees.

This MLA panel presentation was on June 2nd and featured three panelists; Rebecca Willison, Watershed Planning Technician at the Muskoka Watershed Council, Laura Thomas, owner of Hidden Habitat, and Javier Capella R.P.F, President of Trees and Woodlands Consulting.

Click the picture below to watch!

Click here for Shoreline Resources from the Presentations

The MLA hosted the Muskoka Lakes Water Levels – Past, Present and Future webinar on Tuesday March 23rd, to give waterfront property owners a better understanding of how spring flooding happens, how we manage water levels today and what future water level management in Muskoka could look like.

Click on the webinar picture below to watch!


For Flooding Resources displayed during the presentation and the link to The Muskoka GeoHub presented by the District please below.

Click here for Water Level Flooding Resources

ass the calcium, please, but hold the salt! The Friends of the Muskoka Watershed's work to restore the chemistry of Muskoka watersheds

A presentation by Norman Yan PhD FRSC, Chair of the Friends of Muskoka Watershed. We will learn about their work to restore the chemistry of Muskoka watersheds and find out how we can help.

Click on the webinar picture below to watch!

Click here for the Q & A Download

2020 Webinars

A conversation with your Mayors

Given the unprecedented “COVID start” to the season, the MLA was pleased to host this Webinar featuring Muskoka’s District Chair and four of Muskoka’s Mayors. The MLA created this Webinar to further the cooperation and communication between the MLA and its Municipal representatives. The focus of the conversation was on COVID and Muskoka. What 's happening, why and what can we all do to be safe. We ask what impacts are anticipated as a result of COVID and we address the mounting tensions between full time and seasonal residents. To see the webinar please click on the picture below to watch!

Muskoka Lakes Association & Safe Quiet Lakes Summer WebinarAddressing Wakes, Speed and Noise

The new Chair of Safe Quiet Lakes Diana Piquette will speak to her role within the organization and current issues, such as wakes, speed and noise on our lakes. Colleen Kennedy, SQL Director and lead on the Traffic Calming Project on Mirror Lake will tell us about this pilot project and what they hope to achieve. Rob Bosomworth, SQL Director and Chair of the Decibel Coalition will

outline the details of this project and provide an update of the progress to date.

A Q&A will follow, before entering the second half of the webinar.

Summer seminar

Safe Quiet Lakes Presents: Signs and Buoys a Webinar with Transport Canada Representatives

Safe Quiet Lakes hosted a webinar on Aug 25th .The topic was on: Signs and Buoys - Learn How to Work Within the Rules from Transport Canada.

The webinar allows you to learn from two Transport Canada Representatives about Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (VORRs) in Muskoka, who can put up signs, the municipal government’s role, and more.

To watch the Webinar please click the video/picture below

E-Learning Modules 2020

Safe and Enjoyable Night Boating
Scott Ferguson

Most of us have heard of tragic boating events at night.This webinar helps you learn how to boat safely and enjoyably at night.
We have a special presentation on Night Boating Tips, from Scott Ferguson. Scott is a long time Muskoka cottager and night boater. Please click the picture below to watch the presentation.

Click Here

2019 Seminars

The MLA is a founding partner of Safe Quiet Lakes (SQL) which was formed in 2011. They work collaboratively with lake community stakeholders to promote safer and respectful boating. The MLA and SQL jointly developed the boaters code and SQL works closely with the OPP Marine Unit through the year. A Q&A will be available at this seminar and is your chance to speak directly to the OPP with any of your questions or concerns. An officer from the OPP Marine Unit will be there in person. Please join us with SQL as they spread the word to make the Muskoka Lakes safer and quieter to ensure the suitable enjoyment of a treasured shared resource.

Please RSVP to 705-765-5723 

All seminars are FREE for MLA members, $10 fee for non-members (free for kids).

2018 Seminars

The Future of Resort Development in Muskoka
Sunday, July 15, 2018 – 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - Port Carling Community Centre

The MLA is pleased to offer a special information update on a most controversial topic; The Future of Resort Development in Muskoka. Regardless of where you are located in Muskoka, this issue has the ability to impact your property. As such, resort development has become the red-hot land use issue in Muskoka and, with an election scheduled this October, all Muskokans
need to be informed.

Anne McCauley, Chair of MLA’s Political Land Use Committee, has been leading the charge, in collaboration with our legal counsel, and will be talking about the latest information on this topic, what new resorts are being proposed or are under construction as well as answering your questions. Anne is a professional land use planner and will explain why some of the District and Township ideas are of concern and why they are not consistent with MLA values.
Members and the general public are equally welcome.

RSVP to 705-765-5723 or

Forests Ontario - Fight Against Climate Change

Saturday, August 18, 2018 – 10:30 a.m. - Bala Community Centre

Join us and meet Rob Keen, the CEO of Forest Ontario, as we explore the range of benefits that our forests provide, including the important role they play in the fight against climate change.

Free for MLA members, $10 fee for non-members (free for kids)
RSVP to 705-765-5723 or

2017 Seminars

Come join us and meet with speaker Chris Cragg, Muskoka Lakes Association’s Chair of the Water Quality and Environment Committee and member of the Water Level Task Force, to learn about water level management in Muskoka. We’ll also explore tips about how to protect your cottage from flooding.

Read Presentation

Get a close encounter with live reptiles! Come meet the Saving Turtles At Risk Today (START) team and learn everything there is to know about turtles. This is a family friendly presentation, with a chance to handle animals.

What to do in case of…? Join our panel of experts to learn and get ready for emergencies in cottage country. We will have the Fire Department, the Paramedic Services and the Emergency Planning all together; the three presentations will be followed by a Q & A session.

Read Presentation

2016 Seminars

Keeping the cottage in the family isn’t always easy. We will be addressing many issues from how the taxes will be paid, how best to transfer ownership and how to ensure that family harmony is maintained as the property gets passed down.

Join Steve Munro from Westwind Forest Stewardship as he talks about how you can prepare your property and your trees for the changing climate.  He will also discuss some best practices for backlot maintenance.

Read Presentation

Climate is changing in Muskoka just as it is changing elsewhere, and we are powerless to alter the trajectory by taking local action. Instead, we must adapt to the changes coming, while supporting the global actions that need to take place if we are to avert truly serious changes in climate later in this century. To adapt effectively, we must plan ahead and be proactive.

Dr. Sale will talk about the likely mid-century climate and how it is likely to impact our lives. He will explain why careful planning and action are needed by individuals as well as by government, and how we might act to retain the special environment we all value highly.

Read Presentation

Peter Sale YouTube

Muskoka Lakes Association & Safe Quiet Lakes Summer Webinar

Addressing Wakes, Speed and Noise

The new Chair of Safe Quiet Lakes Diana Piquette will speak to her role within the organization and current issues, such as wakes, speed and noise on our lakes. Colleen Kennedy, SQL Director and lead on the Traffic Calming Project on Mirror Lake will tell us about this pilot project and what they hope to achieve. Rob Bosomworth, SQL Director and Chair of the Decibel Coalition will

outline the details of this project and provide an update of the progress to date.

A Q&A will follow, before entering the second half of the webinar.

Night Boating Tips

To conclude, we will have a special presentation on Night Boating Tips, from Scott Ferguson. Scott is a long time Muskoka cottager and night boater.

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