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  • Advertising Opportunities

Advertising with us gives advertisers exclusive access to our membership as our mailing list is not available outside the Association. Don't miss this opportunity to enter the homes & cottages of the almost 2,300 + Muskoka Lakes Association members and become their supplier of choice. We offer three main advertising opportunities through our Annual Yearbook, our quarterly newsletter ShoreLines and our monthly NewsBites.

  • Yearbook
    Please book your ad space and supply ad copy as soon as possible to secure the best placement in the yearbook. Camera ready ad copy is preferred.

    A copy of the current rate card can be found here; including insertion options.
  • ShoreLines
    We only offer 4 advertising opportunities per newsletter. Our quarterly newsletter is published in winter, spring, summer and fall and is delivered electronically or by mail to members. Please see here to review the prices and the specs available for your ad.
  • NewsBites
     Have an advertisement in our monthly NewsBites for $300/issue. See here to access the insertion order form.

You can also contact us at:
Tel: (705) 765-5723

Note that the MLA reserves the right to refuse any advertisement or advertiser in any of our publications

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