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FOCA represents the people who live at the waterfront in Ontario, whether seasonally or year-round. Our members are lake and road associations, some very small and some very large, and every size in between. Ontario borders on 4 of the 5 Great Lakes, and is blessed with over 250,000 named inland lakes that all need our care and attention. MLA members have access to FOCA benefits, log into MLA account and visit the members only section in the drop down menu of About.   For more information on FOCA click here.

Protecting and caring for Muskoka's natural spaces. Nature conservation is our mission at Muskoka Conservancy, and we'd like your help. Together, we can engage more community partners and private landowners to keep Muskoka natural.Not only that, we offer outdoor experiences and informative programming that inspires caring for nature in Muskoka.Muskoka Conservancy is a volunteer-driven, staff-supported registered charity. Energized volunteers, supporters, and a tiny staff together protect 42 properties consisting of more than 2,700 acres (10.93 km2), over 49,000 ft (15,134 meters) of sensitive shoreline, and over 500 acres of wetland. These properties are protected through direct ownership by the Conservancy, or through legally binding conservation agreements.

Friends of Muskoka are a group of dedicated volunteers working to protect and to preserve the natural environment and unique character of Muskoka by promoting responsible use and development of its land and lakes.Friends of Muskoka believe that the environment IS the economy in Muskoka since millions of people come to Muskoka and invest here because of its clean water and natural, treed shorelines. Our lakes, forests and rivers are a resource that can drive Muskoka’s economy for decades to come if we put the environment first. To this end, Friends of Muskoka is trying to stop residential subdivisions on the waterfront in Muskoka and will work to enshrine sustainable development in the Municipal and District Official Plans.

Making the Muskoka Lakes safer and quieter to ensure the sustainable enjoyment of a treasured shared resource.We are a group of people who are passionate about life near the water and determined to help sustain it. If you believe that our lakes should be safe, quiet and respectful,this is the place for you. Listen to this Radio Interview to tell you more - Chris O Show

Mission: To champion watershed health. Goal: To sustain and enhance the air, water and terrestrial ecosystems of the watersheds of Muskoka for the environmental, health, economic, spiritual and intrinsic values they provide.

The township office can help with all the information you need about living and vacationing in the Muskoka Area.

The Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce is constantly on the look out, researching the latest trends, forming partnerships, and lobbying all levels of government for the betterment of everyone in our community.

The Gravenhurst Chamber of Commerce is an approachable and progressive organization supporting the local business community

The Muskoka Lakes Chamber of Commerce serves the Muskoka Lakes community, driving economic prosperity by connecting with our members to benefit, promote and support their businesses.

Canadian Lakes Loon Survey

The Canadian Lakes Loon Survey is a program run by Birds Canada to track the reproduction of Common Loons in Canada. Survey participants are asked to visit the lake of their choice at least three times during loon breeding season and record information on the loons they see. Many participants are regularly on the body of water they survey and conduct tests while enjoying other activities. Birds Canada provides information to volunteers on identification, recording information and other necessary items. If interested, visit the links below!

Click here for more information

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