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The Muskoka Lakes Association is a volunteer membership-based organization advocating for responsible stewardship and enjoyment of the unique environment of the Muskoka Lakes.

Our priorities are to:

  • Monitor, communicate and advocate for Muskoka’s natural environment;
  • Advocate on behalf of all Muskoka property owners for responsible land use and reasonable taxation;
  • Promote the Muskoka Lakes culture and give back to the greater Muskoka community; and
  • Increase partnerships with like-minded organizations throughout Muskoka to advocate and educate collectively on important Muskoka matters.

The fun side of cottaging

Serious issues are important, but let’s face it, a trip to the cottage is all about having fun with family and friends.  That’s why the MLA supports, funds or operates a variety of cottage-focused events, including our annual aquatic regatta, sailing regattas, a winter curling bonspiel and seedling day. We also host a bi-annual antique boat show, produce an annual, high quality yearbook, and keep our members up-to-date on Muskoka happenings with a regular newsletter.

Read more about our actions here.

Muskoka Lakes Association Committees

environment committee

The Environment Committee is responsible for the citizen science water quality sampling program undertaken by scores of MLA volunteers annually across the big 3 lakes and a number of others in the area.  In the spring we track and report on spring floods.  We educate members on the importance of natural shorelines, well maintained septic systems  and the linkage with water quality and do our best to answer member questions on environmental issues.  We also advocate for good policy, science and planning for environmental management.  The committee is considering additional projects in the coming years.

Chair: Deborah Martin-Downs

Jane Armstong
Chris Cragg
Deborah Frame
Jan Getson
Sandy McNair
Sandra Morris
Scott Millard
Frank Pottow
Terri Williams
Tim Wright
Michael Opara

Government & land use committee

The Government and Land Use Committee (GLUC) advocates for responsible development in the waterfront areas where our members reside. We regularly provide written and oral submissions to the Province, the District Municipality of Muskoka, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Seguin Township and Township of Muskoka Lakes regarding development policy, proposed changes to regulations and municipal by-laws, and precedent-setting planning applications. Every four years, a Political Action Team interviews candidates running for municipal councils, identifies aligned candidates, and encourages members to vote. 
The committee also has a budgets working group with expertise in municipal infrastructure, engineering, municipal budgets, and finance who follow the development of annual municipal budgets and submit input. Our monthly communication, NewsBites, keeps members up-to-date about recent events in our catchment area and we respond to member inquiries about planning issues.

Chair: Steve Rohacek

Susan Benson
Kevin Draper
Susan Eplett
Cindy Forbes
Geoffrey Goad
Catherine Guffey
Debbie Korolnek
Deborah Martin-Downs
Sandy McNair
Ken Pearce
Frank Pottow
Daniel Simmonds
Laurie Thomson
Sandy Tozer
Carolyn Wales

Community engagEment

The Community Engagement Committee is responsible for developing and delivering programs and events that educate, connect and engage members and the broader Muskoka community on issues and topics that matter to the MLA. The committee works closely with other MLA committees and external partners to promote and amplify the MLA's point of view and values on areas such as climate change, waterfront activities, boating safety, local heritage and culture, and community philanthropy. The committee also seeks to foster a sense of belonging and involvement among members and potential members through various initiatives such as webinars, regattas, the antique boat show, our annual food drive, student bursary and volunteer opportunities. The committee's goals are aligned with the MLA's strategic plan for 2021-2026 and reflect the role of the MLA as an educator, promoter, connector and partner in the Muskoka region.

Chair: Michael Collins

Jeffrey Bird
Frances Carmichael
Larry Johns
Penny Middleton
Cathie Mostowyk
Lawton Osler
Frank Pottow

communications & membership committee

In Communications, C+M oversees the quality and focus of the MLA’s communications to members, including the quarterly Shorelines newsletter and annual members’ Yearbook. The committee is available to advise committees who produce other member communications such as spring Flood Watch and monthly Newsbites. C+M is developing guidelines to support the quality of all MLA communications. The committee also generates the MLA’s marketing materials and conducts periodic surveys to understand and better meet members’ needs. 
In Membership, C+M oversees annual membership renewal and supports committees and individual members in membership growth to achieve the strategic objective to double the membership to further strengthen the MLA’s influence and impact.

Chair: Kathy Ristic

Jessica Annand
Matthew Busbridge
Cindy Forbes
Geoffrey Goad
Lisa Khoo
Rick Lancaster
Cathie Mostowyk
Lawton Osler
Steve White
Ann Wyganowski

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