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Family Seedling Day 2024

The event was a vibrant celebration of community, nature, and family, and it would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and dedication of all who attended. Seeing families come together to plant seedlings, learn about sustainability, and enjoy the outdoors was truly inspiring.

A special thank you goes to our wonderful partners: The Land Between, Forest Ontario, Friends of Muskoka Watershed, Muskoka Lakes Fire and Rescue

Can't wait till next year!

Family Seedling Day 2023 

Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers who made the event a success.

We would also like to thank our friends from Forests Ontario, Friends of Muskoka Watershed, & The Land Between

Thank you for your orders and happy planting!

Family Seedling Day 2022 

Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers who made the event a success.

We would  also like to thank our friends from Forests Ontario, Friends of Muskoka Watershed, & Safe Quiet Lakes

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