The Muskoka Lakes Association (MLA) is hosting an inaugural Muskoka Lakes Associations Leadership Forum to be held on June 21,2025, from 9 am to noon, at the Muskoka Lumber Community Center in Bracebridge. We’d be delighted if representatives from your association would join us on the 21st. There is no charge for attendance.
The forum will be an opportunity to network and to share information and resources addressing key issues that impact waterfront residents across Muskoka. The program will include:
1) Keynote session – Managing Muskoka’s Watershed presented by Kevin Trimble, Director and Past Chair of the Muskoka Watershed Council. The Muskoka Watershed Council publishes the Muskoka Watershed Report Card every 5 years, most recently in 2023. Kevin will discuss new approaches to environmental management across the Muskoka River watershed. The talk will touch on the limitations of the existing water management plan, the impact of climate change and development, and initiatives to improve management of the watershed. There will be ample time for Q&A from attendees.
2) Three concurrent breakout sessions – each attendee can decide which one is of most interest to them.
a) Advocating for Responsible Development presented by Steve Rohacek, Chair of MLA Government and Land Use Committee and Ken Pearce, President of the MLA. Steve and Ken will present examples of MLA’s advocacy work which positively influenced large scale development in Muskoka and the issues the MLA is currently engaged on, including the District of Muskoka Resorts policy. There are over 200 properties across Muskoka zoned resort commercial that could be re-developed. Attendees will have an opportunity to share any proposed developments of concern to them.
b) Addressing the Impact of Boating with Diana Piquette, President of Safe Quiet Lakes and Director of the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Association (FOCA). The session will focus on pending changes from Transport Canada on recreational boating. This includes proposed new VORR classifications for wake boats, decibel limits from boat engines and avenues open to lake associations to reduce the impact of boating on shorelines and personal safety. Attendees will have an opportunity to share boating impact issues on their lake, bay or river and any actions they’ve taken to mitigate.
c) Monitoring and Managing Water Quality in Muskoka presented by Deb Martin-Downs, Chair of the MLA Environment Committee, President of FOCA and Past President of the MLA. The session will focus on the MLA water sampling program, trends in water quality across Muskoka, key risks to water quality such as road salt, septic system leakage and phosphorous run-off and their potential impact on the health of aquatic ecosystems. Attendees with have an opportunity to share issues faced in their part of the watershed and any actions taken to mitigate.
Register Now – Space is Limited!
Attendance is limited to 50, with a maximum of 3 from each association, so secure your spot today. A detailed program will be sent to all attendees in advance of the forum with all presentation material provided to all attendees.
RSVP Required - Registration code MLA2025
We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting and informative forum!