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  • Scott Ferguson

MLA director & Chair of communications & membership committee

Scott Ferguson is a certified Strategy Facilitator and Business Improvement Coach, and an FCA, who has been a member of the Board of Directors since July 2021.

Scott’s initial interest in contributing to the MLA was to promote boating safety and skill. He was concerned about tragedies in Muskoka that seemed preventable. Prior to joining the board, he developed an entire boating safety and skill learning program that comprises six short eLearning modules that the MLA provides to the public at no charge as a public service. The modules are available on the MLA website.

As a board member, Scott became a member and then Chair of “C+M” with a focus on the MLA’s strategic objective to grow its membership and on seeking ways to further improve communication to members and to the public. He also served on the MLA Community Engagement committee.

Scott’s family started cottaging on the western tip of Rankin Island, Lake Muskoka, before Scott was born where, as an islander, Scott acquired his passion for boating, earning membership in the Canadian Power Squadron and as a certified Water Ski Instructor at age 15. He and his wife Jean now live on the mainland facing Rankin Island where they wake up to the beauty of Muskoka every day.

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